On May 15, 2015 Matthew Waddell, 20, of Church Hill entered a guilty plea to theft and fourth degree burglary and was sentenced to 3 years in jail, with all of the sentence suspended except for 120 days, which will be served at the Queen Anne’s County Detention Center. Waddell was arrested by police following an Read More
Greensboro man sentenced to jail for fleeing from police
On May 14, 2015 Paul Benchoff, 28, of Greensboro, Maryland entered a plea of guilty in the Queen Anne’s County District Court to fleeing from police and disorderly conduct and was sentenced to jail for one year and 60 days. The charges in this case arose from an incident on March 30, 2015 when a Queen Read More
Chester man sentenced to jail for burglary
Donald Jones, 20, of Chester, MD entered a guilty plea to Third Degree Burglary following his arrest for a November 2014 burglary of a neighbor’s home. Jones had forced his way into the residence and stole jewelry from inside the residence. He later pawned the jewelry at a local pawn store in Chester. Police were Read More
Woman guilty of stealing aluminum
A 22 year old Denton woman entered a guilty plea to conspiracy to commit felony theft on May 13, 2015 in the Queen Anne’s County Circuit Court. RB Baker and Sons discovered thousands of pounds of missing aluminum cans from their place of business and reported the theft to the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office. Read More
Centreville man found guilty of burglary
A Queen Anne’s County jury found 23 year old Kevin Briscoe of Centreville guilty of fourth degree burglary on May 11, 2015 in the Queen Anne’s County Circuit Court. Briscoe was charged by authorities for breaking into a home on Little Kidwell Avenue in Centreville in July 2014. During the burglary a gaming system was Read More
Stevensville woman pleads guilty to embezzlement
A 51 year old Stevensville woman entered a guilty plea to embezzlement in the Queen Anne’s County Circuit Court on May 5, 2015. A year long investigation conducted by the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office and the State’s Attorney’s Office resulted in the arrest and subsequent conviction of Diane Warfield who swindled over $100,000 from Read More
Severn man sentenced to jail on forgery convictions
27 year old Charles Bowman of Severn, Maryland entered guilty pleas to Forgery charges as a result of passing several forged checks in Queen Anne’s County. Bowman pled guilty to forgery in two separate cases in which Bowman was involved in a statewide conspiracy to pass forged checks in banks across the State. Bowman forged and Read More
Sudlersville man guilty of Sexual Solicitation of a Minor
Daryl Stottlemyer of Sudlersville appeared in the Queen Anne’s County Circuit Court on April 16, 2015 and entered a guilty plea to Sexual Solicitation of a Minor. The guilty plea stemmed from an investigation conducted by detectives from the Maryland State Police in which Stottlemyer solicited two small children, a six year old and a three Read More
Chestertown man guilty of distributing child pornography
On April 7, 2015 Zachary Geyer, 24 of Chestertown, MD, appeared in the Queen Anne’s County Circuit Court and entered a plea of guilty to two counts of Child Pornography Distribution. This case began with an online criminal investigation on the Bit Torrent network for individuals sharing child pornography. The investigation focused on two pieces Read More
Crumpton man guilty of Sexual Solicitation of a Minor
On March 10, 2015 Bradley Papilon, 31 of Crumpton, entered a guilty plea in the Queen Anne’s County Circuit Court to Sexual Solicitation of a minor. The plea was based on several months of Mr. Papilon texting back and forth with a 13 year old juvenile female which culminated in requests for the juvenile to Read More